Healthy Kitchen Design Ideas


Whist introducing healthy lifestyle habits can take a bit of planning, certain tricks and tips can be included in your kitchen design which makes this living-well transition become second nature.


  • Steam ovens

Opt for one of our clever Steam ovens which are a fantastic way of making sure that the food your cooking is retaining its essential nutrients.  A gentle steam equals even cooking whilst intensifying the natural aroma of your food. Definitely something to consider for a healthy kitchen design!


Steam Oven


The Quooker tap is a hot and cold water appliance which is a brilliant way of encouraging the family to drink more water! Whether you enjoy a hot water drink infused with a slice of lemon or a filtered sparkling water, this tap can do it all!


  • Olive oil sprayer

Exactly what it says on the tin! This nifty tool is a brilliant way to reduce your oil intake reducing inflammation and cholesterol and lowering blood pressure; simply fill the sprayer and away you go!


  • Blenders

Blenders are the perfect way to enjoy your five a day! whether you go for a Smeg blender which matches your kitchen appliances or a Nutri-bullet for on the go goodness, be sure to include one in the kitchen this year. Use to prepare healthy soups, sauces and smoothies plus a brilliant way to use up left over fruit and veg!


Smeg Blender